Many years ago, a deep desire rose up within me to be part of an "Abundance Mindset" group of people. For years I was swimming solo in a sea of many people offering systems and opportunities. I was on a HUGE learning curve which was already difficult enough, and was sadly trudging along on my journey totally alone. It was soul sucking! Thankfully, I learned about this daily call, founded by Paul Hutchings over a decade ago and have met amazing people!  Since its inception, this weekday call has been the secret ingredient to many people going from a little success, to being top 4% earners!

If you are pursuing financial freedom, and working on a goal to be successful in a particular area in your life, you have knowledge and insights from which others can learn and others have similar insights for you. You are the community and the community needs you. Our community is based on symbiotic relationships of interdependent freedom seekers. That's one reason to check us out... we need you! 

Secondly, I will venture to say, if you desire freedom, and you're in pursuit of online opportunities, you may be alone in your quest. Often family & friends don't understand what you're after, so there is no comfort in them. You're almost living a duplicitous life on your "freedom" journey, surrounded by others who look at you like the "weird" one, because they're very content with the way things are. Can you relate?  If so, we'd love for you to join us, weekdays, at 9:00 AM (EST).   

We grow faster when we're plugged into a community of like-minded people, who are all striving for freedom. But alone we have to have all the answers for everything! What an enormous burden to bear, and so unnecessary if there is a community of people from all walks of life, experiences, skills, insights and energy that is available to you!

Meet our community!

Look, no one can do the work for you, but no one can go it alone either. . . it takes all of us to help the community.  When people are truly unified, in harmony, behind a common vision of FREEDOM, there’s no telling what can be done.  I personally KNOW this community is the key to what I achieve everyday...from our daily call, to our online support group, to our annual meetups

We have this “special something” in our community, so I hope you will join us & be sure to mention you heard about it here!


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Access# 565762


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Our Community Needs You!

"You Don't Have To Be Great To Get Started,

But You Do Have To Get Started To Be Great"

~ Les Brown, Motivational Speaker

So Always Say YES To Your Dreams!

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